Trust Infrastructure

DigitalMe offers trust infrastructure: the infrastructure of the Qiy Trust Network helps people and organisations connect in a secure and trustworthy way, solving the many-to-many problems of nowadays APIs. In addition, we offer services on the Sovrin Distributed Ledger (Blockchain).

The combination of Qiy Trust Network (streaming data) and Sovrin Distributed Ledger (blockchain) brings trust in the relation between individuals and organisations in a secure and fast way.

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Connect to the Network

Qiy Trust Network

The Qiy Trust Network (for ‘streaming’ data) helps people and organisations connect in a secure and trustworthy way, solving the many-to-many problems of nowadays API’s. Qiy Trust Network is a scalable privacy and security by design infrastructure, offering its users control over their data. Read more

Straight to the API

Sovrin Distributed Ledger

DigitalMe offers services on the Sovrin Distributed Ledger (Blockchain) and can help organisations make use of the Sovrin Identity Network. Read more

  • DigitalMe
  • Eindhovenseweg 22a
  • 5281 RA, Boxtel
  • The Netherlands